Monday, December 23, 2013

Day 8 Feeling more stable

Fatigue weighed me down again yesterday like a heavy blanket. I could barely move, I'd just lie on the sofa, in silence, not sleeping, but not doing anything. I didn't even have the energy to keep my eyes open and watch a tv show. It was how I was before seeing the Dr. This was on a “happy day” too, a day with my family home. I didn't feel depressed, just fatigue. So I'm taking the meds every day now. I feel more stable, more normal, not too hyper, not too tired. I'm able to sleep too. I am adjusting. I just don't want to become dependent in the long term, but I'm not too worried because I've been on antidepressants before and was able to get off them with no problems.

I know it's my mind that brought me over the edge and caused this. My body is already under constant stress, fighting a chronic disease, and the seclusion I was in, the fear and sadness I allowed in my mind topped it off. The writing and self forgiveness I did without support in my journal, wasn't enough. My adrenals couldn't handle the overload. I believe writing, self-forgiving, finding, trusting and loving myself through discipline will be my ultimate savior, but feel I have to take care of this chronic fatigue, stress, anxiety and depression now. So my life at this time will include me being on meds. Along with writing on the forum.

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