Friday, December 20, 2013

Day 6 – Scripts – every other day

I decided to try an every -other-day approach to taking the meds. The Fluoxetine (which keeps me from getting migraines and anxiety) has a 4day half life, and the Buproprion (which helps me to get out of bed and off the table!) has a twenty hour half life. So I still have a little in my system at all times, but not quite the overload I felt I had before. I really would prefer the lowest dose possible of both that will still keep the migraines from attacking. Fluoxetine alone gets rid of libido, Buproprion along with it helps bring it back to “somewhat normal”. Fluoxetine alone causes me to be too relaxed, Buproprion taken with it evens me out because it is somewhat like a stimulant. Yesterday I was on both, today I'm off. I feel better today with less in my system. No migraines since I started back yesterday, horrible one the day before (which is why I started back).

Marlen had great idea with homeopathy. (Thanks Marlen!) I will still look into anything else available. I travel with my special concoction of organic certified essential oils used for migraine relief and reapply to my wrists and chest every few hours. It smells wonderful, but I don't know how well it works. I'm thinking maybe I should put it on the soles of my feet too?

Still taking Pilates, and I LOVE it! I'm feeling stronger now and having less back flare-ups :).

Also, I've been studying again and I am remembering all the muscles. It is nice to have the knowledge back, I feel higher self esteem because I have proven to myself that I CAN stick with it and learn it again.

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