Wednesday, April 9, 2014

52 – Writing self out

The Challenge

More than ten yrs ago, when I competed in the “Body for Life” challenge, I learned self control by writing down the steps I planned to take each day to reach my goals. Every night I wrote down what I planned on eating the next day, including the portion of each food, and I wrote down what I actually ate that day. Writing out what I was planning on eating the next day and then writing again the next evening what I actually ate helped me to stay true to myself. No 'sneaking' chocolate or junk food because everything would be written down as a statement saying how true to myself I was.

Funny how the mind can play tricks when we allow it. It took me writing everything down to stop me from allowing my self to play tricks on myself. It took me standing up and taking responsibility.

What I put in my mouth wasn't the only thing I recorded. How and how much I 'move' my body was recorded as well. I wanted to be stronger and leaner, so I made a commitment to myself. I would build muscle by lifting weights three days a week and burn calories with those muscles going for a 30 minute jog three days a week. I wrote everything down. Everything.

By the end of the three month challenge, my body was lean and strong and my mind was quick. I felt amazing physically and mentally and respected myself since I followed what I had planned and reached my goals. I learned to take control of my actions by being honest with myself. I learned self honesty by writing everything down and acting on what I committed myself to do. Doing household chores became easy since I was stronger. I began speaking more fluently than before the challenge, with descriptive words and my memory was sharp. I had changed my body and mind, I had taken control of myself and I was reaping the rewards. And this was all due to writing self out.


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